HITS Coachella – Part IV. Week three (Week VII)

Part IV. Week three for us (Week VII for the show)

The horses continued to perform to the high standard they had set the prior two weeks. The weather moved into a bit more of what we expected for the desert….hot hot hot with temps soaring into the upper 90s. Lovely when the horses went early, less so when classes were in the 12-2pm window!

Clinton (2013 Clinton x Camposanto gelding) cantered around his first full course in the ticketed schooling ring and was absolutely incredible. You would never guess that he is a 4 year old with his calm collected nature and easy going temperament. No question that he is going to be a top top hunter in the years to come (or maybe that should read “MONTHS to come”). I’ve never had one so ready to walk in the ring so early in their career!

Evita (2012 Cormint x Landgraf) continued hacking and jumping in a variety of arenas and went on several trail rides.

William L ended the week with a 5th place in the $10,000 1.45m High Amateur Owner Jumper Class and with the Grand Circuit (and 2nd Half) Reserve Champion award for the High Amateur Owner 1.40m Jumpers.

Cassiana SR (2010 Cassiano x Calando I) placed in the top 3 in most of her YJC 7yo 1.30m Jumper classes with some really stellar rounds – and in two classes was one of only 2 or 3 horses to go clean.

My helper for the first two weeks of the show left for the 3rd week, so it was a bit of a scramble to find people to assist. So I have to say a huge thank you to all of the friends and family who stepped up and filled in! That includes my husband who drove down to Palm Desert on Friday to get in the truck and trailer with me to drive the horses back home on Sunday/Monday. It was a lo-ong drive that we did straight through. I think it’s safe to say that the horses weren’t the only ones happy to fall out of the vehicle when we finally arrived home Monday evening!

So now with the first foray out into the show season completed and nothing on the docket for 4 more weeks, I’ll take the opportunity to get to know the young horses a bit better and hope to update this blog with the progression of the youngsters. Stay tuned!