Hurray Springtime!

It was a long winter.

I saw a meme that described the “real” seasons that made me laugh because it’s so, so true:

The Real Seasons

Except that I would change the “mud season” for Washington to cover everything from winter down to second summer!

But we’ve hit some major milestones in the last week or two.

  • the unclipped horses have finished shedding out everything but the fluffy undercoats….giving us a (small) light at the end of a long, hairy tunnel.
  • I transitioned all of the blanketed horses to rain sheets yesterday (woohoo! No more blankets until late fall!!!)
  • the mud that’s been deep and wet and mucky since September is FINALLY receding to the point that I can find dry (ish) spots to walk on. Woohoo! Transition from mud boots to clogs has begun!!! (and guaranteed that I will lose a clog in the mud in my eagerness to ditch the boots a week or two too soon)
  • All of the trees and plants around us are in full, glorious bloom. MAN it’s pretty around here when things start growing again!

I shall conveniently ignore that all of this means that mowing and watering season is almost upon us, because the sun feels to good to worry about the little things!

The horses are all doing great. As I mentioned in my last blog post, the whole crew is back at work and starting to jump up again. The focus has been on 4yo Tori and the start of her show career, and we’re gearing up to haul out to her first (ever) show on Saturday. Fingers crossed that she takes it in stride….the first time out is always a bit nerve wracking for me! But here she is this week, conquering her first parallel oxer (as opposed to the very inviting and friendly crossrail-front oxers I usually set for her):

Evita’s started jumping up again too, and BOY has that mare come a long way in her single year under saddle. Rideable, quiet, and relaxed sum up her approach to anything you throw at her these days!

And, of course, MY MVP (yes yes, I’m a little biased), Sadie 🙂 She started jumping FF Bella this week and I’ve never seen a kid light up quite like she did the moment she realized why the mare has been nicknamed “the robot.”

Day 1:

Day 2:

And I don’t want to reveal identities, so I can’t post videos, but I will share these photos of FF Bella on a trial ride acting like a complete and utter super star (can you say “knees”???!!!)

Unfortunately, I haven’t had anyone around to take pictures or videos of the “big” horses (Cassie and Billy), but they are cruising along schooling at 1.30-1.40m like the troopers they are. I’m really looking forward to getting back into the show ring on both in the next few weeks.

And my final update is on Socks (the horse who may be made of steel?). I mentioned in my blog that she took a puncture wound to her frog, and it was a pretty bleak picture. But the minute that mare started feeling better she put her all into moving around and getting back into a normal routine. Well, this week she got to return to “her” mare herd, and good lord, the chaos and sprung shoes on the not-alpha-mares has been…..well, predictable, but a huge pain in the ass! I guess the silver lining is that I’m getting lots of practice pulling shoes off and putting shoes back on! Socks also got the clearance to return to full flatwork, and is comfortably and happily going around at the walk, trot, and canter every day. I’m so thrilled to have my queen bee back in the hive!

Happy spring to everyone and here’s to sunny days ahead!!!